French and the Olympic Games

There's an interesting history - and an exciting future - of France's influence on the Olympic Games

You may or may not be surprised to hear a fair amount of French during the coverage of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, particularly during the Opening and Closing ceremonies. The most eagle-eyed may even spot signage in French around the various Tokyo sporting arenas.

This is due to the influence France has had on the modern revival of the Olympic Games, from their Greek origins. 

Enjoy these fun facts to share with those around you as you cheer on the world's greatest athletes. 

Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin is to be thank for the Olympic Games as they are know today. At the end of the 19th century, he revived the games and established the International Olympic Committee (IOC). 

The official Tokyo 2020 website has been translated into French, so as to contribute to the promotion of French culture

French and English are the two official languages, according to Rule 23 of the Olympic Charter. However, should there be any discrepancy in translations between these two languages, the French text is mandated to prevail. 

Since April 1915, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) headquarters have been located in the French-speaking region of Switzerland.

Get your passports and your French ready - Paris will host the 2021 Summer Olympic Games.



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