Teacher Feedback Survey

Tell us what you think

How can we best support and serve you in your work as a French language teacher? 

Teaching Context

First Name
Contact details
Career Stage
School or Organisation
Credentials offered
Classes you teach in 2022

Engagement Opportunities

What opportunities are likely to interest your students?
What opportunities would interest you?

Professional Development

What do you look for when considering professional development opportunities?  

PD Course Focus

Would you be more likely to consider PD that is stage- or objective-specific: E.g.: Programming for K-6 French
Preferred Delivery Mode
Preferred Timing
Preferred Course Duration
How often would you complete an externally-run PD course?
Type of PD
Which skills do you find most challenging to develop in your students?

General comments

How can Alliance Française de Sydney best support you as a teacher?
What do you find most challenging about teaching French language and culture to students?
What content do you find most helpful or interesting in the Chers Profs newsletter?